Thursday, November 28, 2019
4 Questions That Will Make You Rage Quit
4 Questions That Will Make You Rage Quit You’ve had it. You can’t face another day at that office with those people. Maybe it’s not as clear-cut as wanting to strangle your boss or disagreeing with your company’s mission. Maybe you just feel bored, or stressed, or unhappy (or all 3!) without really pinpointing why.  Here are four questions you should ask yourself when deciding if it’s time to cut bait and look for a new job.1. Is my work appreciated?What do you mean I need to work harder, I just missed Christmas Eve with my family to work on that report!Morale drops when employees feel like their work is not appreciated by the powers-that-be. A recent Gallup study of employee engagement (defined as feeling invested in your job) showed that in 2014, less than one-third of people polled said they were â€Å"engaged†in their regular job. That’s up slightly from years past, but still- that’s an awful lot of people who don’t feel appreciated and motiv ated in their current roles.Many companies are trying to stem this by offering special employee appreciation events or give bonuses/rewards for excellent work. However, if your boss doesn’t seem to notice or care that you’re working like crazy to support the company’s bottom line, take your skills and experience where they’ll be valued.2. What the heck am I doing here?I’d rather be doing literally anything else–even fighting bears.Purpose is a key motivator of workplace happiness and productivity. If you know your company’s goals and your role in moving those forward, chances are you’ll feel a focused connection to your day-to-day work. However, when those  goals get vague, it can be easy to get caught in a feedback loop of coasting.If you find yourself checking Instagram more than your work email, the culprit could be a lack of direction. The first step should be working with your manager to define priorities and goals- but if you do this and you still feel like most of your day is spent drifting through time-filler tasks and pointless meetings, it might just be time to move on.3. Am I Stuck in the Middle of Nowhere?I have no idea what I’m doing.It can be so demoralizing to realize you don’t have the tools and resources available to do a great job. Maybe your company is in a financial crunch and can’t hire new people. Perhaps your manager just doesn’t have the time or desire to explain what needs to be done.I’ve worked in places where everyone is so caught up in their own endless to-do lists that no one has the time to sit down and effectively plan, execute, and support a project that needed to be finished†¦ a week ago. Chances are, it’s not your fault- but it can feel like it’s on you to fix.Once you’re in a defensive crouch and feeling overwhelmed, it can be really difficult to a) evaluate the situation objectively, and b) ask for the resources you need. If you reach that point and you don’t see your workplace offering any solutions beyond a shrug and a â€Å"get it done,†then it’s definitely time to re-evaluate your future there.4. Is it all about the Benjamins?Not sure if I’m here because the money is good or if I’m here because some money is better than nothing.You’ve probably thought, â€Å"They don’t pay me enough to do this†during one frustrating moment or another. Or maybe you envy people skipping out to enjoy expensive lunches while you eat a PBJ at your desk. It’s always going to be tempting to go find a job that will pay you more than you make now, but it’s also a legitimate reason to be dissatisfied- and ultimately move on to another job.Let’s face it: a fairy godmother is not likely to pop into your life and offer you double your salary for the same job; but if you start to feel like you really are being undervalued in pay and/or benefits, then start looking around. Ask yourself: What salary do people in roles similar to yours make in other companies? Have you made contributions to your team or company that might merit a raise, but have gone unrewarded? If you have reasonable pay expectations and your manager or company is unable (or unwilling) to accommodate that, then you should start thinking about your options.If you identify with any of these (or, goodness forbid, all), then it’s probably time to start putting out feelers in your network, and brushing up that resume. You deserve better!On mobile? Sign in here to view your job matches.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Cinco De Mayo essays
Cinco De Mayo essays The 5th oF May is not an American holiday or Mexican Independence Day, even though it should be. Cinco De Mayo is in commemoration of the defeat of the French army by the Mexicans. This battle took place in Puebla on May 5, 1862. This holiday is more of a regional holiday celebrated in Mexico especially in Puebla. Celebrating Cinco De Mayo has become popular in many parts of the United States. The Mexican government had accumulated many debts to many nations, including England, Spain, and France. These nations were demanding payments. When Mexico no longer made payments, France became eager to own leadership in Mexico. This invasion required France to send in French troops, lead by, Archduke Maximilian of Austria. The French troops began to march on to invade the Gulf of Mexico. Along the way to Mexico City, the French army encountered a strong resistance by the Mexican army, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin. This Mexican army consisted of about 4,500 soldiers. The French army consisted of over 6,500 soldiers. Yet, the Mexican army was able to defeat the French militia. This was a glorious victory and is the cause of the historical date of Cinco De Mayo. Todays Cinco De Mayo celebration is of Mexican cultures, food, music and its unique Mexican customs. People enjoy seeing the wonderful entertainment the Mexican culture has. Some are the Mariachis and the Folkloric Dancers. The children also enjoy the breaking of the Pinata, which is filled with many candies, confetti and even many types of nuts. This is a wonderful time when different cultures and races come together and show unity. To the Mexican people, Cinco De Mayo represents freedom and liberty. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Facebook Growth, Challenges and Milestones Essay
Facebook Growth, Challenges and Milestones - Essay Example The Facebook quest to become the leading social interaction website and an essential business and personal networking tool for all who are connected is being hampered by massive challenges such as competition from rival firms, privacy issues, lawsuits as well as need to provide better interaction services while still maintaining its credibility. After a detailed review of the article, the reader generates conclusive decisions that can be adopted by the company. The main purpose of the article is to expose the many challenges faced by Facebook in spite of there success. The author stipulates that, even though Facebook registrations have grown massively, there is no time for celebration due to the challenges faced by the firm and the milestone achievement expected by the executive arm of the corporation. The author illustrates how the recent changes in Facebook home pages have seriously devastated customers especially those who prefer limiting their friends and privacy. By collecting materials and information from the company’s executives and the general public as well as reviewing published work concerning the new WebPages, the author seeks to enlighten the general public about the shortfalls of Facebook as well as exposing the management inconsiderate view to customer’s complaints.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Niklas Luhmanns theory of the Mass Media System Essay
Niklas Luhmanns theory of the Mass Media System - Essay Example It reveals the twofold reality of the media between its own internal system and the reality it provides for the society externally. According to Luhmann, the mass media is made up of recursive, self-referencing communication programs whose functions are not directed by external values of knowledge, truthfulness or objectivity, political directives or specific social interests. Instead, Luhmann agrees that the functioning of the mass media is directed by the internal code information/non-information which allows the system to choose its information/news from its own environment. The mass media then communicates this information depending on its own reflective criteria (Luhmann 36). The basis for Luhmann’s theoretical construct was public suspicion of the mass media. According to Luhmann, we get to know about our society and the world in general through the mass media. This also includes our knowledge on nature. However, we are not in a position to trust this information because of the many things that we know about the mass media. This creates a contradiction which basically forms the unique modern and productive features of the mass media. First, the mass media can be compared with other social systems like science, law, business and politics which form operationally closed systems. Secondly, the cognition of mass media is self-referencing and closed. This is a feature that is only found in systems. This means that they have not distinguished the reality which they communicate daily reports, news and advertising as expected from the image they present. Instead, they create it. Although the created reality arises selectively, it is socially relevant and maintains its validity as long us we understand how it is developed, produced and consumed. The usual way of dealing with the contradiction in the mass media is to suspect that there is some form of manipulation in the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Lincoln's Assassination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Lincoln's Assassination - Essay Example The Civil War had major implications in the life and death of Lincoln. In 1865, five days after the Civil War ended, Lincoln was shot dead by John Wilkes Booth while attending a play at the Ford’s Theatre with his wife.2 The factors that led to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln did not eventually justify its outcome in the preceding days. Though Booth was convicted for his crimes, not many of those other conspirers were. This indeed created lots of perplexity among the historians and the researchers, in asserting who may or may not have been involved in the assassination along with Booth. There were many conspiracies as whether Booth was solely responsible or he was just a tool in a major plot conspiracy hatched by a group of people. However, the idea that the assassination was a result of grand conspiracy of the Confederates arose immediately after the tragic happening. There exist many facts and evidences to support the possibilities of Confederates plotting the assassina tion of Lincoln. ... ain.3 This is mainly because the Proclamation freed only the slaves in the seceded states while others had to wait until the Constitution was amended in 1865. To add up to the circumstances, the proclamation blocked the intervention of Britain or France into the war, for the support of the Southern states, as they did not want to be portraying it as a war for slavery. All these incidences created hatred against the Lincoln’s presidency, personating him as a tyrant. Though the South had hatred for Lincoln and was fighting for their independence, the Confederate’s plot to abduct or kill Lincoln arose after an Dahlgren incident of discovering Union cavalry officer’s concealed papers, which revealed the attempts of Union soldiers to kill Davis.4 When those Dahlgren Papers were distributed as evidences for plot to kill President Davis, it created outrage and disapproval for the Union government across the Southern states. â€Å"In the resulting uproar Southern newspa pers blasted Lincoln and Union leaders as depraved murderers and ferocious criminals and demanded that they be held personally accountable.†5 Booth was suspected as the Confederate’s secret services operative. One of the strong reasons behind it was that, there were coded letters found in the belongings of Booth, revealing his connection with the Confederates. In addition to that, when Booth escaped, he travelled using an underground path, which the Confederate spy network used to secretly transport resources to and fro. Also, the testimony given by George Atzerodt, a fellow Confederate conspirator, implicated that there were also plans to explode the White House for killing the President.6 However, there is also objection to the fact that Booth was solely a puppet in the hands of Confederate. Being a
Friday, November 15, 2019
Dynamic Nature Of Tourism And Hospitality Industry
Dynamic Nature Of Tourism And Hospitality Industry Tourism is a combination of services, activities and companies that provides you traveling experience with transportation, accommodation, food, entertainment, activity facilities and other hospitality services (Mathieson and Wall, 1982). Hospitality is how well the community accepts you and their attitude towards you which make you feel safe and welcome. It is the interaction between the host and the guest associated with protection, etiquettes and respect. The extent to which the community shows hospitality varies with the culture and subculture of different societies (Lankford S.V, 1994). Tourism and hospitality is claimed to be the worlds largest industry by World Tourism Organization (WTO) with turnover of $3 trillion dollars. Sri Lanka is famous for its tourism, mainly because of its beautiful islands beaches, old heritage and worlds best resorts in mountains. Tourist comes from all over the world for facilitating themselves and for this purpose the main tourism organization working is Sri Lanka Tourist Development Authority. This Organization is working in developing Sri Lanka to be the Asias most preferable tourist destination. It uses its products creatively while promising effective and efficient use of resources. They are working hard to identify unique services, formulating as well as implementing new strategies for tourism development. Structure This assignment is divided into five different sections from section A to section E. Section A would discuss the brief introduction about tourism/hospitality and the tourism organization selected, section B would define the different services and product offering offered by tourism organizations in order to promote growth, section C would discuss about the global demand issues that drive the constant need for updating tourism services. Whereas section D will focus on innovative strategies and activities followed by tourism organization to satisfy these changes in demand. Section E would discuss the services provided by SLTDA. B) Different Product/Services by Tourism Organizations: The basic services that the every tourist expects to receive are: Accommodation: Varies according to your packages from motels, private small hotels, 5 stars hotels and resorts. Food Facilities: Tourist experience depends a lot on the food quality he is available to as most often people travel for exploring the beautiful locations and for enjoying the different kind of food of that country. Time and Money: Tourism Development depends a lot on the access and ease the tourist gets after enjoying his vacations and for that it is important that he does not faces such issues relating to time and money specially. Accommodation, Tours, Sight-seeing, Cruises, Car rentals, Best Air fare rates, Transportation, Tour Guides, Entertainment are some of the basic facilities provided to you by tourism organizations depending about your package. Whether you want to have a luxurious vacation with all the facilities at its best or a simple economical holiday, this tourism organization has packages according to your budgets and demands (David Weaver, 2005). Tourism organization has to work on constant basis for developing there product portfolio in order to maintain their demand and to stimulate growth because once you have plan to go on a vacation, at first you select the best possible place depending on your affordability and after you have shortlisted two to three places you start listing them according to their product/services offering. The best tourism package offered with all the preferable facilities and the one which is within your range as well (David Weaver, 2005) B.1) Different Value Added Facilities Provided By Tourism Organization: Bucket shop: Bucket shops are retail outlets which offer discount rates in airfares in commission with tourism organizations. Charter airlines: These airlines facilitate the movement of tourists on packages tours or seat-only package. They offer low cost transportation services to holiday destinations, for this the customer however has to make compromises by traveling at inconvenient hours or by providing just elementary services. Computerized Reservation System (CRS): Access to airfares, schedules, packages, availability of seats and reservation beforehand become possible by this system. C) Global Demand Issues in Tourism C.1) Background Diversification is important in tourism. It refers the addition of new product to the already developed products portfolio; it is a process by which new products are added to the product portfolio of a tourism business or destination in order to avoid over-dependence on a few, often highly competitive, products. Tourism has changed in the last 30 years with the rise of the jet aircraft; it has now emerged as a global phenomenon. It is today one of the most important global industry. 593 million tourist travelled abroad in the year 1996 while in 2003, 694 million tourists travelled worldwide (Long, P. T, 2000) Before it was difficult to analyze the accurate data but after the development of Tourism Satellite Account(TSAs) it became easier as TSAs informs you about the accurate, reliable and comparable data which is collected by individual nation. However it was also came in notice that economic crisis like Gulf War, effect of 9/11, oil crisis in 1970s effect tourism and tourism organization economically as it is a global risk for tourists to travel in such conditions (Stephen J Page, 2005). C.2) Consumer and the changing world The economical as well as geo-political situation demands for new strategies day by day. Variation in technology, demographics, political and world scenario changes the outlook of world as well as of customer. There are two perspectives in this new demand factor. Demand is influenced by factors such as traveling motivation and the ability to travel and on the other hand we have behavioral changes like destination preferences, ease at traveling, quality of experience but all these demands vary upon the intention of traveling. The person who has been traveling a lot and is experienced will adjust to the surrounding even if it is not according to his demands (Martin Lohman, 2004) The other influencing factors in the tourism demand are divided into different categories for better understanding that is economy, politics, crisis and threats, demographic change and technology and all these factors are inter linked with each other. These factors have impact as holiday demand is driven by the need, motivation and realization depending on the economical situation of the individual and freedom to travel. External factor has an impact by effecting the ability to travel that is freedom, money, time, physical ability) while consumer behavior does not depend on any single factor but is actually the reaction caused by the external factors and is also backed by the internal factors such as motivation, strong desire (Martin Lohman, 2004). Moreover there are several emerging factors having its impact on the demand and creating this dynamic nature of tourism which is known to all however bringing an overnight change is not possible, similarly these trends will also not change the world tourism. C.3) Demographic Changes: Although it was a constant process but in recent years it is showing changes more often now and is considered to be the most important in the European countries. These demographic trends have an impact on tourism plan of countries. Previous researches has shown that people in European countries doesnt change their traveling pattern due to their increasing age or retirement but it is now observed that the generation when will reach the age of 60s would not follow the same pattern. The senior citizen today are more active and enjoy all these tourism activities but the senior lot in next 15 years will be dull and less active comparatively. Similarly the declining rate in number of children is also showing some changes but this rate is really slow to bring in notice therefore one does not expect tourism organizations to change or re-orient their strategies (Lohmann and Denielsson, 2001). C.4) Standardization vs. Unique Offering: Technology is changing, with this new era of changing trend it is expected that the customers will demand for high quality product offering and will thrive for change but it is also stated that a little bit of standardization is a must for tourism product portfolio. But too much standardization will be a bigger risk for organizations because there will be no variety offering matching to the rapid demand of exclusivity. The customer today wants both quality and uniqueness. This means that the industry has a new challenge because it has to maintain a balance between standardization and exclusivity (Lohman, 2004) Moreover considering the ongoing demand it is not necessary that the tourism product offered is good or not similarly whether the product is considered good by the consumer is also not important, the important thing is that it should be considerably in the list of priority high lightened by the tourist and should be considered the best in the specific list. Same goes for the tourism organization which include travel agencies, operators, hotel management and transportation in-charge by offering convinces and guidelines to help the consumers (Lohman, 2004). Currently there is no major changes to be predicted but that doesnt mean that we take it as a smooth path because one cannot predict future and it is always expected to show unexpected event for example any political change, any natural disaster, epidemic disease, war) therefore it is necessary and also possible that the tourism organizations prepare for the changing trend which can be identified by keeping a close eye on current situation. Demand is high but that will not make you able to sell anything to experienced tourists (Taylor, 2001). All these above global issues make it necessary for the tourism and hospitality organization to constantly develop their products to meet the constant demand. D) Strategies and Different Activities Employed By Tourism Organizations: Strategic planning consists of several steps. The first step is to formalize a proper organization which controls all the necessary details. Then a vision must be developed about how you actually want to shape out everything followed by other details including infrastructure and investment issues. D.1) Competition: As time is changing the world is also in constant demand of change which is resulting in competition among different countries thriving for economic growth, development better than the other country. Similarly the world tourism is also emerging day by day and countries are trying to benefit themselves by developing their country into a proper tourist spot in return generating huge revenue (Fainstein Gladstone, 1999). This will also benefit the country in prospering as developing the country will make the government work on infrastructure and surrounding quality along with that it will help making the relation stronger of the host country with the other countries whose tourists are welcomed with immense hospitality. Moreover for handling tourism more employment is needed which is good for the localities and it is also noticed that those countries which are not developing themselves for betterment and tourism may left behind in such a competitive environment where every other nation i s fighting for a standalone position in the planet (Fainstein Gladstone, 1999). Not just internationally it is expected among the cities as well within the same countries to work for their own betterment competing with the other city of the same nation. Every city mayor should work for the development of its own city which may eventually result making the city a place for tourism destination (Holcomb, 1999) D.2) Strategies Development: Countries that strive to be competitive must develop a long term strategy and start working on it because without a plan you cannot achieve your goal. Its a long term process because developing a country in a preferable tourism destination and above all developing the sense of hospitality among the local community is not an easy job. Therefore for achieving this difficult task you need to first develop a strategy which is a set of policies intended to achieve your goal and mission (Getz, 1997). D.3) Innovation: Further more once the mission is achieved one must not take it for granted and should work to improve it day by day as tourism industry can never settle on one standardize procedure, it must keep brining innovation depending on the current trend and demands on its consumer (Van den Berg et al, 1995). D.4) 3 As of Tourism: There are 3 As of tourism which must be kept in mind all the time because it has the core importance Access: Transportation must be provided to the tourist easily so that they can easily access their desirable tourist spots. Attraction: Tourists must find variety of attractive places to visit and explore. They must have different choices to make so that they can enjoy their trip completely instead of sitting at home even on vacations. Amenities: The facilities available to the tourist on the particular location or destination they plan to visit. However the most important A in this category is the second one Attraction as tourism is all about exploring and visiting different locations (Dieke and Karamustafa, 2000). D.5) Events: People are getting involved into different kinds of events and therefore chose holiday destination considering the upcoming possible event, so that they can enjoy their holiday break completely. Therefore the event business is also a profitable business these days. It is also noticed that sometime events make the tourist visit a specific location for example Dubai festivals or fashion shows make people visit Dubai, which often doesnt hold a desire for exploring Dubai but those events (Getz, 2004). This helps a lot in off seasons when tourism is at a low level encouraging the tourists to visit helping the tourism organization in maintain their profits. Besides that it also help in developing an image of the host country in a favorable position making the country as a favorite holiday destination for people from all over the world. (Mossberg, 2000) As events are important part of tourism, one should work for its marketing in a proper way. Promotions through blogs, brochures, press release are some common way for marketing the events. Different marketing channels should be adopted for promoting the events so that everyone comes to know about it and it should be done giving enough time to the travelers so that they can plan a trip conveniently. D.6) Culture and Roots: The host country should emphasize on its culture greatly because the tourist find it attractive as it gives them something different to explore. Ancient heritage, monuments is of keen interest for the tourists and in this way one can make its own culture known to the people worldwide as well (Mossberg, 2000). E) Sri Lankan Tourist Development Authority: E.1) Tourism In Sri Lanka: Sri Lankas main business comes from its tourism. It has ancient heritage, beaches, beautiful mountains, lush green resorts making it a perfect spot for holidays. Tourists comes from every part of the world to visit Sri Lanka as it has a really good tourism development organizations working for the betterment of industry and bringing diversification in there product offering. Visa policy for Sri Lanka is comparatively easy to get. Usually they give a tourist visa for 30 days but it can also get extended. Your visa can extend up to three months by paying some amount and it can further increase for three months giving extension fees along with additional Rs.10,000 however extension more than this depends upon the concerned authority ((Sri Lanka Development Tourist Authority Online) E.2) Different Exclusive Offering By SLTDA: Sri Lankan Tourist Development Authority offers different exclusive services in order to satisfy their customers and confirming a great experience depending on their affordability Heritage: Sri Lanka is rich in ancient heritage. It has preserved Asian monuments which are an attraction for people all around from the world especially for tourists who are fond of ancient culture and tradition specially visits Sri Lanka for enjoying these cultural, belief and traditional way of living that is held in reserve in the roots of Sri Lanka. UNESCO world heritage, Adams Peak are some of the must visit in Sri Lanka.(Sri Lanka Tourism Guide) SPA and Ayuerveda Treatment: They just not revive your mind and body but also try to sooth your soul by providing you with the most popular method AYUERVEDA for relaxing your body and mind and healing spiritual and physical problems by herbal treatments, various relaxing bath and body massages along with physical exercises such as yoga, aerobics and particular diets which help one feel relaxing and completely enjoying this lavishness of life which you usually do not cherish in your daily routine (Sri Lanka Tourism Guide). Shopping Destinations: Apart from beautiful and lavish shopping malls in Colombo and other larger cities, one can also enjoy traditional villager shopping in small villages and handcraft material from local vendor on a very cheap price, while brass work of Sri Lanka is also very famous due to its finesse. Another purchase f Sri Lanka are its silverware that is also given as a souvenir at times but the most famous of all are the widest variety of stone found in Sri Lanka because of which Sri Lanka is considered among the largest gem producer country therefore you can also facilitate yourself by getting yourself these stones on your visit (Sri Lanka Tourism Guide). Adventures Sports: Sri Lanka offers the chances of indulging in all kinds of sports specially adventures involving waters as it has more than 100 beaches which facilitate you to go for water skiing, water surfing, scuba diving, boating, Speed boating. Moreover these sports are run under the supervision of professionals and when you are thorough professionals you can also try killer fall, head chopper and drop. Apart from water adventure one can also enjoy wildlife, forest exploration, mountain climbing for being able to witness the worlds most beautiful scenery ahead. Beautiful waterfalls are also one of the desirable scenes to watch in Sri Lanka. Safari which happens to be the national park of Sri Lanka has variety of animals including different kinds of mammals, elephant, hog, porcupine, ant eater and variety of monkeys as well. Islands have different kinds of reptile (snakes, crocodiles as well) making it dangerous to wander carelessly as it is said that out of all these hundreds of reptile kinds 5 of snake found are deadly.(Sri Lanka Tourism Guide) Festivals: Sri Lanka is a city of on going entertainment and therefore every season you will witness some kind of celebration going on. Cultural festivals, Harvest festivals or some regional ceremonies are always taking place. All these are the exclusive offering which is given by the Sri Lankan tourism organization to its tourists depending on their affordability level. Apart from those basic facilities like accommodation, transport, breakfast benefits are usually included in the tourism package. CONCLUSION: In the end it is concluded that tourism organization faces extreme global issues and if they want to be ahead of others they must constantly bring innovation intro their product portfolio. Strategies should be made and tourism organizations must follow them step by step. REFRENCES: David Weaver. 2005. The Ecotourism concept and tourism conservation symbiosis. Journal of sustainable tourism 13 (4): 376-389. Fainstein, S.S. and Gladstone, D. (1999) Evaluating urban tourism, in D.R. Judd and S.S. Fainstein (eds) The Tourist City, New Haven: Yale University Press. Getz, D. (1997). Event Management Event Tourism. Cognizant Communication Corporation Lankford, S. V. (1994). Attitudes and perceptions toward tourism andrural regional development. Journal of Travel Research, 31(3), 35-43. Lohmann, Martin (2004): The 31st Reiseanalyse RA 2001. Tourism; Vol. 49, NÂ ° 1 / 2001; pp 65 67, Zagreb. Lohmann, M. Danielsson, J. (2001): Predicting Travel Patterns of Senior Citizens: How the Past May Provide a Key to the Future. Journ.of vacation marketing, Vol. 7, NÂ ° 4, pp. 357 366 Long, P. T (1990). Rural resident tourismperceptions and attitudes by community level of tourism. Journal of TravelResearch, 28(3), 3-9. Mathieson and Wall, 1982, Tourism; economic, physical and social impacts, Longman House groups in tourism centers. Journal of Travel Research, 21 (3), 8-12. Morrison(1998). Convention and visitor bureaus in the USA: a profile of bureaus: bureau executives and budgets. Journal of Travel and Tourism marketing, 7, 1-19. Mossberg, L. (Ed) (2000). Evaluation of Events: Scandinavian Experiences. The United States of America: Cognizant Communication Corporation.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Stop the Harassment of Sex Offenders Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive
Stop the Harassment of Sex Offenders     People shied away from him, as people often do when confronted with a powerful stench. Jesse could not help it, hygiene was not so high on his list of priorities, finding food and shelter were a bit more important. He could not find employment even though he was hardworking and educated. Jesse wanted to work, and as a college graduate, he should have ample opportunity to do so. However, Jesse's life had taken a severe downturn. Shortly after graduation, he met a girl at a bar who was willing to 'celebrate' with him. One thing led to another as things are frequently prone to do and Jesse indulged himself. Unfortunately, the girl was only sixteen (a very mature sixteen), her father learned of Jesse's actions and had the boy arrested. He was convicted of statutory rape and received a slap on the wrist - so to speak. You see, Jesse was now a sex offender and had to register with the state police; his name, address, telephone number, and picture were published and put on the Internet. Almost immediately, he began receiving threatening phone calls and all job prospects dried up. His life was over.       Even though the above is a total fabrication, it still rings true. According to the Charleston Gazette, in 1994, seven-year-old Megan Kanka was kidnaped and killed by a twice convicted sex offender who lived in her neighborhood. People in her neighborhood did not know of his past (Internet: Don't...). This brought about the spread of the so-called 'Megan's laws', states must now keep registers of sex offenders. Some states go a step further with these laws. Janet Reynolds of the Hartford Advocate reports that, in addition to the registry, California legislature voted to make che... to well lit areas at night, and try not to walk around alone at night, you could even take a self-defense class. Let people make amends for their mistakes and get on with their lives.   Works Cited  "Don't Panic. Use Offender List Wisely." Editorial. Charleston Gazette 30 Sept. 1998. Available at  "Phone Number Mix-up Wreaks Havoc." The Herald Dispatch 4 Oct. 1998, 3 C.  Reynolds, Janet. "The New Scarlet Letter." Hartford Advocate 1997. Available at  Searls, Tom. "List of Sex Offenders Sends Up a Red Flag". Charleston Gazette 1 Oct. 1998.  Snyder, John. Letter. The Brown Daily Herald 5 Feb. 1998. Available at  Â
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Issue In Health Policy And Management Essay
Introduction The element of well-being is a natural concern for the whole of mankind. It involves the maintenance of a balance, within him or her, with his or her fellow being and with the environment. The integral role of the individual’s health however is of extreme importance. The spectator of health care verses medical care. Health care refers to the prevention, remedy and handling of illness and the upholding of mental and physical stature through the services of the allied institutions include social insurance, which is a government undertaking for the underprivileged, injured, aged or even jobless citizenry. A pool of contributions from employers and also government income funds social insurance. Health care also includes medical aid, and is a federal state funded program that avails health care form the needy. Primary health care is the aspect of professional health care availed to the patients or distressed at first contact with the health care system. Medical care or Medicare is an insurance section of health care for the aged, focusing on the age 65 and over, that is funded and managed by the federal system. Whereas medical care is dedicated to serving a given age, health care is a broad section (that also includes medical care). The relationship between Health care, and the roots of our cultural convictions; Cultural convictions, existing as ethical and social values dictate the context within which systems function. Civil values like the special stewardship for safeguarding the sacredness of life and the Hippocratic oath influence health care immensely. The relationship of health care and other society demands creates another set of values i. e.availing consumers their respect, high quality service, provision and good value for money whereas consuming employee safely, fairness and a sensitive system (to their plight) they can be proud of. †Religion; essentially spirituality counts more so in matters of health care. Take the example of the Salvation Army movement on the blood transfusion debate. Some other religions will not allow the grafting of tissue from other individuals other than the patient. Constraining health care outreach to the desired of subject, as doctors and nurses refuse to perform medical procedures due to their personal beliefs. Dr. Saha Somnath in the study of the â€Å"Relevance of Cultural Distance between Patients and Physicians to Racial Disparities in Health care†portends that; â€Å"patients reported better relationship when seeing physicians of their own ethnicity or race. †explains the cultural racial disparities in health care. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As addressed to the health care forum, in May 1998 by Daniel Yankelovich†Americans have embraced an expanding pluralism of groups, ways of thinking, points of view, subcultures and values. †That as the world changes and newer systems are embraced its necessary that our social values which concurrently impact on the economy and spiritual (belief) beings be on a balance with the health policy we pursue. References 1. Harold G. , A cross cultural Dialogue On Healthcare Ethics, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1999, USA. 2. Lee G. , A Cross Cultural Analysis of Values and Political Economy Issues. Greenwood/Praeger 1994, USA. 3. Susan H. , Religions, Culture and Healthcare: A practical handbook for use in Healthcare Enviroments, Radcliffe Publishing, 2006.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Akindele Owolabi Essays - Gender, Violence Against Women
Akindele Owolabi Essays - Gender, Violence Against Women Akindele Owolabi Men's Health James Bridges Jr November 27, 2016 Sexual Violence and Victimization on College Campuses Sexual violence is a serious problem that can have lasting, harmful effects on victims, their families, friends, and communities. Sexual violence and victimization on college campuses needs to be eradicated. Speaking as a college student out here in a world where everyday there is rape, murder or abuse I can personally tell you that I am afraid. I have to be cautious when walking alone in the night, and constantly have to be looking around to make sure that my surroundings are clear. I know that I am a male and that is less likely, based off of percentages and surveys taken, that I will be raped but you still have to be cautious. In order to reduce interpersonal and partner violence we must first look at prevention. Prevention efforts should ultimately decrease the number of individuals who perpetrate sexual violence and the number of individuals who are victims. Many prevention approaches aim to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors for sexual violence. In addition, comprehensive prevention strategies should address factors at each of the levels that influence sexual violenceindividual, relationship, community, and society. The most common prevention strategies currently focus on the victim, the perpetrator, or bystanders. Strategies that try to equip the victim with knowledge, awareness, or self-defense skills are referred to as "risk reduction techniques." Strategies focused on the perpetrator attempt to change risk and protective factors for sexual violence to reduce the likelihood that an individual will engage in sexually violent behavior. The goal of bystander prevention strategies is to change social norms supporting sexual violence and empower men and women to intervene with peers to prevent an assault from occurring. Other prevention strategies address social norms, policies, or laws in communities to reduce the perpetration of sexual violence across the population. Some steps are; Know the signs Educate the students - have conferences on interpersonal and relationship violence Check in regularly - if you have a friend who you know may be in a bad situation in her relationship, call or text jus to see how she is doing Be on standby - if you have a friend or friends who may have told you they aren't completely comfortable in their relationship be the person they can call or text whenever As it relates to the question, "Is there an emphasis on Sexual or Partner violence on Historically Black Colleges and Universities?" I don't think there is one. To me there is an emphasis on sexual or partner violence on all women but particularly those in the later stages of high school going into college and those in college. This has been that way since I was young, but as I have grown and matured in this world, I have seen more children being abused or raped, even abducted, so it is hard to actually tell if there is even an actual age group preference. I believe that "these monsters" (rapists, abusers and abductors) don't care what gender or how old those they harm are. So to me there is no emphasis on HBCU's in general but an emphasis on all women, I know I didn't mention much about the men and that's because it is rare to hear that men have been raped or abused because based on past percentages and statistics it is usually the men who do these horrible crimes. But recently ther e has been more abductions of boys and that is something to note. Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) against women is now recognized as a problem of global magnitude, owing to its detrimental consequences on the health, social and economic welfare of women and their children. It is a life-threatening problem primarily affecting women and girls. Exposure to IPV among women has been associated with increased morbidity and is documented as the third leading cause of mortality among women of reproductive age. IPV often has serious long-term consequences for the individuals involved, their families, communities, and society. IPV is not restricted to married couples, but also occurs among people in courtship and dating relationships. The phenomenon cuts across all age, social and economic constellations. However young women particularly college students experience high levels of IPV
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essays
The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essays The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essay The Role of Lease Financing in Bangladesh Essay Introduction Lease financing is comparatively a new concept in the financial sector and has got recognition as aninnovative source of finance for accelerating the pace of industrialization as well as economic growth of Bangladesh. Leasing companies have registered substantial growth in lease financing during the year 1985through 1994. Since 1995 to date, growth in lease market has significantly slowed down because of sluggisheconomic activities, withdrawal of incentives by the government, imposition of cash resource requirementwith Bangladesh Bank as per Finance Act 1998, expansion of number of leasing institutions, lack of diversification of service and of awareness in business community about leasing etc. Researchers have alsofound that leasing companies need to develop their professionals and should come in the market with newmarketing strategy. Background Bangladesh is a least developed country in the world with per capita GDP Tk. 11. 284 (USD 230). She suffersfrom poverty, imperfection in both, factor and product market, continuous in equilibrium in the economy,defective administrative structure in both financial and non-financial sector, inappropriate tax structure,heavy dependence on assistance from World Bank including other International Lending Agencies andDonor Countries, lack of capital stock, massive unemployment, political turmoil and unhealthy environmentfor investment. With the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent country in 1971, the thenGovernment nationalized all commercial Banks with the hope of accelerating industrial growth throughfinancial, fiscal and other supports. Since the inception of independent Bangladesh, Commercial Banks,Development Financial Institutions and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh have been the major sourcesof industrial finance in the country. These Banks were predominately serving the public sector by extendingsupport in the form of long term loan, working capital finance, bridge finance etc. and had limited experiencein trade, commerce and industry. Due to dearth of experience in investment decision, project financing,recovery of loan and recycle of loan, both entrepreneurs and Banking Financial Institutions coupled withdifficulties at every stage of development and accomplishment which ultimately led to the emergence of many sick industries. The Development Financial Institutions (DFI s) that depend largely on external assistance suffer fromfinancial constrains because of ineffective project appraisal. Imprudent investment decisions, poor recoveryand inability to recycle of loan which resulted in withdrawal of fund by international donors. As a result of poor performance and withdrawal of external support, the liquidity position of DFI s have declined and abilityof sanctioning fresh loan and of refinancing sick industries reduced. Nationalized commercial Banks areusually reluctant to finance capital expenditure due to higher financial risk and poor recovery and designedto promote the nonproductive sectors. Besides, their loan operation was substantially diminished due toadditional cash reserve requirement imposed by Bangladesh Bank in order to curb inflation. Consequently,genuine industrial clients are affected by their limited access to the long-term local currency loan. Thiscontention is evident from the fact that the private sector remains in massive default to the DFI s and NCB s,90% of borrowers to DFI s are in defaulting and recovery rates are as low as 10% of the total recoverableamount. On the other hand, Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the only stock market of Bangladesh is not wellorganized and therefore failed to mobilize sufficient fund to meet the demand of the capital market of thecountry. During 1972-84, public sector financial institutions were found totally failure in developing industrialsector and promoting first generation of industrial entrepreneurs
Monday, November 4, 2019
Marketing Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing Case Study - Essay Example Some of the most important issues concerned Gap’s segmentation and targeting strategies with view to market size, growth potential and appropriate marketing mix. Gap’s segmentation model is a combination of demographic, psychographic and to some extent geographic characteristics (Etzel et al, 2001). For example the GapKids and babyGap branches target market segments based on their age, whereas Old Navy targets consumers with limited incomes (p. 196) and whole families. Specific market segments, identified by Gap are based on: Income: lower income groups with annual income between $20,000 and $50,000 were initially targeted by Old Navy. This group comprises mostly of teenagers who represent a limited market potential for the company. Apparel products tend to be â€Å"commodity-like†(Datamonitor, 2005), and for most companies differentiation is based on competitive pricing strategies to win market share. In targeting market segments, Gap follows the â€Å"multiple-segment†model (Etzel et al, 2001), meaning that each market segment is targeted with a specific marketing mix. The Gap brand is targeted at the â€Å"20- to 30-year olds†(p. 196) who prefer the classic line of khaki pants and button-down shirts both for business and casual clothes. The positioning of the brand is further completed by the large assortment of colors and sizes for all-cotton apparel. The company’s attempt to reposition the Gap brand into the fashion-oriented segment lead to market share loss, because the company "alienated" (p. 196) their core customers and failed to attract the "fickle" (p. 197) teenage consumers. Repositioning back "to its roots", along with other measures, improved Gap’s market position in 2001. Banana Republic, which was acquired by Gap in 1983 (p. 196) was positioned as an upscale Gap, extending the previous adventurous positioning of the brand. Unlike Gap’s success in specialty clothes
Friday, November 1, 2019
Creative Writing Proposal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Creative Writing Proposal - Assignment Example I will portray Tamara as a sensible girl with average looks, with maybe one or two outstanding features besides the fact that is a traditionalist. Her unusual knack to be cool, calm and relaxed makes her the voice of reason to her parents and even her friends. Aside from her family Tamara has a social life which she builds up gradually from her high school and university life. Most significantly there is Agatha, whose previous life was ‘dark’ until the day she became a Christian, she is very religious but does not judge Tamara because of her religious believes. On the other hand there is Rajab. He is a young Muslim man living with his Brother Yusuf. They fight a lot because Rajab does not pay much attention to his religion unlike his brother. And they are both secretly attracted to Tamara. I think I will want to portray Rajab as a comic for two reasons. One is to break the whole intensity and monotony of having religion as a theme and secondly to widen contrast between h im and his brother. Though based in Birmingham, I will do a number of researches on Ethiopia, to know their culture in terms of religious practices, their social life and cuisine. This is important because the main characters family is originally from Ethiopia.
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